Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Food Shortage?

Its been the news all over the world, that even the Haitian Presidential Palace has been attempted to be ransack by the populace due to the growing concern on food scarcity.

Rising oil prices, food prices, shortage, hoarding, blackmarket, queuing for food, food stamps, are this for real? Could there be some manipulation being orchestrated by some force or conduits of power? Global warming have already been pointed as the major culprit, for many years, every nation of the world, turned their arable land for food production into land for planting bio fuel energy sources.

Will another war be declared due to food clamoring for survival. May it never happen.

This is the year and I bet just the start of a 3 year food crisis worldwide, Inflation rising, Demands growing, Food depleting, Income cannot cope. The Real CEREAL killer.
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Monday, April 7, 2008

Rushed deadline

Its a Monday and its a holiday that makes it an unusual start of my week, as I have to stay home, but I'm occupied with paperworks from the past..and I have to browse through all my papers, documents, receipts from January 2007 till this month.

Time is running out and I still have alot to write, calculate, balance...

Cash on hand, Income Statement, Balance Sheet, Gross Expense, Other Income, Net Income, Asset, Liabilities, Owner's Equity, Tax payable...Whooa! my mind is boggling with so many figures, wondering where the Cash has been all this time.

April 15 deadline...

My balance sheet has to be produce yet.. has to be scrutinize by my accountant, who luckily is a friend and can drop by anytime and we can exchange ways in order to minimize my payable for the income year 2007.

Still searching for those receipts. Charitable contribution, leisure expense, church tithing, training and seminar expense, food expense, entertainment expense. Tax avoidance the best way we know how.

Next week I'd be having two income tax returns on my file, one which I personally computed, prepared, the other one, my company has prepared.

Time consuming, stress, pressure and more pressure...at the end of the day, hopefully and prayerfully, I'll need to catch up a conversation or two with friends and neighbors, also wanting to watch that stage play my friend will be portraying.

Whew! why can't we just simply be under a charity care.